Plenty of Snow and Sunshine

For some, the winter season seems to crawl.  For others, like me, it is whipping by. The month of January passed in a blur, and suddenly, I find myself nearing the end of February.  The days are growing noticeably longer, and the sunshine is feeling warmer. Today felt a little like a March teaser, with temperatures in the mid-thirties, and that wonderful feeling of spring skiing.​

​We headed out early, so that the trails would still be cold from the overnight chill.  The snow itself was perfect, and the Lonely Lake trail was shaded enough to keep it that way.  We had lots of fun on the hills of the Big Pine and Little Pine trails, and then on the return trip back to the lodge.  Here is a bit of video that Greg took as we skied along.

We've been blessed with great snowfall this month, so there is plenty of good skiing ahead.  Since March is usually one of our snowiest months, I expect to be out on the trails for several more days.  Care to join me?  Still lots of cabin availability!​